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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Getting the message 'Error 08611'

getting the message 'Error 08611'.
> i was trying to resolve some TrackPoint issues i am having. the TrackPoint
> worked fine until i upgraded from Win98 to XP. in order to try to
> configure the TrackPoint, i downloaded a version of the ThinkPad
> Configuration program that was supposed to work with XP. i installed it,
> & am now getting the error message.
> i can't seem to get it to load the operating system.

Error 08611 means the TrackPoint has failed. Seems your TrackPoint was
already having problems and now it's completely failed. I would try
blasting some air into it and rebooting. If that fails, I would open the
keyboard and look for loose connections and cold joints. After that, I
would replace the keyboard assembly.

Looks like it has nothing to do with XP or your drivers.

Go to IBM's support site and get your Hardware Maintenance Manual.

If you can, connect an external mouse, go into the BIOS and disable
the TrackPoint. That should allow you to boot.

Error 08611 means the TrackPoint has failed. Seems your TrackPoint was
already having problems and now it's completely failed. I would try
blasting some air into it and rebooting. If that fails, I would open the
keyboard and look for loose connections and cold joints. After that, I
would replace the keyboard assembly

Step By Step :

1. switch on your laptop
2. the screen will display "error 08611
3. click "ok"
4. the screen will show the components in your laptop.
5. click "exit"
6. then, click "configuation"
7. press ctrl + the letter D
8. screen will display the commands to run your laptop.
9. you go to first column and third row change the nomber "02" to "01"
10. press f3
11. reboot your laptop

It's Very Tok - Cer... ngacir.. So "Error Code 08611" System tidak mendeteksi dengan sempurna hardware mouse track'nya, jadi inti dari cara di atas adalah mematikan / menonaktifkan system mouse tracknya pada saat test boot..

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