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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Tutorial Pay To Click - About direct referrals on

In the past 3 months we've been receiving lots of tickets asking us to increase the direct referrals limit since it's currently easier to get them.

As you know we've introduced the NeoPoints exchange to increase referral limits but for many users that wasn't enough.

To make things simple and since these are the users who actually asked us the most to increase the direct referrals limit, we've come up with something very simple:

Ultimate Golden Pack holders: No direct referrals limit.
Cost: Nothing at all.
Conditions: Absolutely none.

Users with all other membership / packs are below the limits so there's no need for any change right now.

Speaking of direct referrals, in just less than 2 hours the first commissions from your direct referrals purchases will begin being credited. If anything goes wrong, just let us know.

This turned out to be more profitable for the users than at first anticipated which is absolutely great and it makes me very happy indeed.

The commissions can have a 10 minute delay so don't worry. Once they're marked "Paid" it means it has been credited.

Have a splendid week and enjoy.